Chords In A Major Scale and Chord Progression

In this lesson, you will learn about chords that go together, and you can use them in a song easily. You will also learn about chord progression and how different chord progressions change the emotional response of listeners.

Formula For Chords In Major Scale

Once you get a good hold of intervals and degrees, a simple formula can be applied to figure out the chords in any major scale. The formula goes as below:

Degree I ii iii IV V vi vii°
Chord Type Major minor minor Major Major minor diminished


The above table stands true for all major keys. For example, If you are in the key of C Major, the above formula will translate as below:

Chords In C Major Scale

Degree I ii iii IV V vi vii°
Chord Type Major minor minor Major Major minor diminished
Chord C Major D minor E minor F Major G Major A minor B diminished


Chords In All Major Keys

And the same formula would translate to all keys as below

Chords in all major scales

So by using just one formula, one can easily find out all the chords on a major scale. You can also use the same formula to find out chords in the relative minor scales. Just start from the sixth degree of the major scale.

Chord Progression

In a musical composition, a chord progression or harmonic progression is a succession of chords. Chord progressions are the foundation of harmony. A chord progression is donated using Roman numerals. For example, in the key of C major if someone plays the chords C major- A minor- F Major - G Major. The chord progression being played is I-vi-IV-V. Similarly, if someone played chords G-C-Am-F now the chord progression becomes V-I-vi-IV.

Common Chord Progression And Their Emotional Relevance

Same chords played in different succession emotes different emotions. By just altering the chord progression, you can alter the way your music feels. Let us explore the emotional relevance of chord progressions. There can be an endless combination of chord progressions. These are just a few examples to get you an idea.

Chord Progression Emotional Relevance Chords In Key Of C Major
I-V-vi-IV Pop/Addictive C-G-Am-F
vi-I-vi-V Sad Am-C-Am-G
I-I-IV-V Happy C-C-F-G
I-vi-IV-V Romantic/Inspiring C-Am-F-G
iii-IV-I-ii Neutral/Straight Em-F-C-Dm
V-vi-IV-I Emotional/Melancholic G-Am-F-C
I-IV-V Powerful/Emotional C-F-G


Chord Progression Used In Songs

Now let us explore the chord progressions used in songs that you learned till now throughout the beginner guitar course.

Song Title Chord Of Song Chord Progression

Let It Be - The Beatles

C Major Key





Happy Birthday

G Major Key


Knocking On Heaven's Door

G Major Key

G-D-C-G-D-Am I-V-IV-I-V-ii

Still Haven't Found - U2(Easy Version)

E Major Key





Ain't No Sunshine(Easy Version)

Am Key


Am-Em-Dm I-IV-V


Now that you understand chord progression and how to know chords in a major key, it is time to learn about song parts. In the next lesson, learn about song parts and energy.

Beginner Guitar Lessons

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Written By

Udeeksh Sood on

Udeeksh is an Audio Engineer. He loves to produce music, research music gear, play guitar, go on treks and road trips.